About the Artwork
Title: Eyes to Mouth
Method: Video installation
Video installation on the fasade of the Manor shopping center in Basel, Switzerland, 2013. Lips and eyes moving, text parts in different languages.
Project Gallery
About the Artist(s)
ARTUMULT, international artist group, founded in Basel, Switzerland, 2012
“We are ARTUMULT, a group of artists from all over the world. Our goal is to encourage people to critically reflect on cultural identities in terms of migration, cohabitation and social interaction. Individuals as well as ethnic groups do not define themselves by a single factor of identity but by a multitude. Our message is an acceptance of this diversity. Cultural diversity offers a wide range of constructive challenges and inspiration. Our perfomative discussions are based on the book “In the Name of Identity” by Amin Maalouf and act as our collective means of expression. Independent of our joint performances each member of ARTUMULT follows his or her own artistic projects, ever dealing with the question of cultural identities; motivated by personal interest or the sociopolitical aspects.”
Fatima Rubi, Nigeria
Ayako Kyodo, Japan
Reza Safari, Iran
Vijaya Kumar-Seethappa, India
Linn Marie Carlehed, Sweden
Milena Wayllany, Bolivia
Naydu Certa-Torres, Colombia