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"Is the word free?" - Hasti Radpour

I want to show the importance of freedom of speech, as well as its eternal influence.

ArtfHR (2)_edited.png

Hasti Radpour, symbolic art, with roots in Iran

ArtfHR (2)_edited.png

Linköping, Sweden

About the Artwork

Is the word free?

The work should present people's struggle for freedom, the struggle to be able to express themselves freely. In this struggle, many lives are sacrificed, people are injured, families are separated, but the goal is the same: we continue to fight until speech is free!

A sculpture for the sculpture park in the old people's park in Vadstena, Sweden.

My goal was to create a monument that represents the vision of the people's park. I want to show the importance of freedom of speech, as well as its eternal influence. It lives on and protects free thought and human rights.

In the Iranian or Persian culture and mythology, birds have important meanings. Different types of birds, both real and imaginary (similar to Griffin or Phoenix), and also combinations of human body and wings have been used in different ways for several thousand years, in architecture, objects, literature and artworks. These kinds of birds are usually called Homa or Simorgh. According to the legends and folk beliefs, Homa is very hard to find, it is sometimes invisible and lives on top of the highest mountain in the country. It is also said that Homa never lands on earth, and the person who manages to see this bird or even its shadow will live a happy life with a lot of fortune. Homa approaches Earth to help people in need. If you burn one of Homa's feathers, it appears and can answer any question and solve any problem. To me, it is the symbol of the eternal freedom that never disappears. Homa has her own home, her own place. Homa is for everyone who needs it.

In my work, I have used Homa and its concept as inspiration, but in my own and simplified way. White feathers symbolize free speech, the right of expression, freedom! The work should present people's struggle for freedom, the struggle to be able to express themselves freely. In this struggle, many lives are sacrificed, people are injured, families are separated, but the goal is the same: we continue to fight until speech is free!

The white bird itself is not visible, it has flown away, made itself free. The injury (drops of blood) remains and may raise questions for the viewer, is the bird free now? How bad is the "damage"? Has the bird flown away and is free now or has it been caught by another trap somewhere else in the world? IS SPEECH FREE?

Hasti Radpour, 2020

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About the Artist(s)

My name is Hasti Radpour, an artist with roots in Iran, living and working in Linköping since 2007. My art is symbolic and sometimes surreal. I like to combine the human body with animals and I'm not afraid to change the perspective or break the rules of composition:) I work with different techniques. Painting and illustration are what I have done the most, but I like to work with sculpture, installation, film and animation.




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